105 different KPIs based on data from 200 racetracks.

The Circuit Business Index collects structured, scientific results of the racetrack market.
Improving racetracks

Existing racetracks can use the Circuit Business Index to better understand how they are performing compared to other tracks with a similar infrastructure, customer base or ownership structure.

Investing in racetracks

Potential investors can use the Circuit Business Index to compare their planned infrastructure, business case assumptions, and operator model against those of already existing circuits.

Analysing FIA or ASN regions

National sanctioning bodies (ASNs) can use the Circuit Business Index to compare the circuits’ infrastructure, business performance and ownership structure with other regions or countries.

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You are looking for a customized report or analysis of specific parts of your circuit’s business?
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Unprecedented commercial insights of the international racetrack market

Data gathering of 200 circuits

The first edition of the Circuit Business Index is based on data from approximately 200 racetracks around the globe that participated in the FIA Global Motorsport Impact Study survey published mid of 2021. The financial data is predominantly based on 2019 financial statements and therefore does not consider the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic. The data was collected by the FIA in collaboration with the national motorsport authorities (Autorités Sportive Nationale, ASNs). As part of a collaboration, Circuit Business submitted its own questions for the questionnaire section relating to the racetrack market.

Data correlation and analytics

Motorsport professionals can get exclusive access to insightful data-driven analysis and correlations on the following topics with the Circuit Business Index 2022:

  • Geographical location of the racetracks
  • Ownership structure of the tracks
  • Infrastructure of the racetracks (existing track modules etc.)
  • Number of motorsport and non-motorsport events
  • Customer / user segments of the racetracks
  • Revenue, costs and EBITDA figures

The report correlates the various KPIs against each other and consequently gives new insights into the racetrack industry.

Customized business analysis based on lookalike racetracks

Our own algorithms are used to identify similarities between a concerned racetrack and similar ones from the report. It is the first time in the racetrack consulting business that so-called ‘lookalike audiences’ of racetracks can be created based on scientific data.
Based on this analysis, we offer a "CIRCUIT HEALTH CHECK" for racetrack operators that shows exactly how their racetrack performs in comparison to other tracks of a similar nature.
For investors that are planning to build a new circuit or expand their existing circuit, our "Circuit Business Case Check" provides a specific evaluation of how the new circuit and its business model compare to similar, existing circuits.

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Available report options

Get unprecedented commercial insights into the international racetrack market
Improving racetracks
Improving racetracks

Abstract of the full report

  • Average turnover
  • Ownership structure
  • Infrastructure
  • Customer segments
  • Track usage
  • Annual CAPEX
  • EBITDA ratios
Investing in racetracks
Investing in racetracks

Abstract of the full report

  • Average turnover
  • Ownership structure
  • Infrastructure
  • Track usage
  • CAPEX / FIA grade
  • EBITDA ratio / FIA grade
  • Customer segments
Full 2022 report
Full 2022 report

  • Ownership structure
  • Infrastructure
  • Customer segments
  • Turnover
  • Annual CAPEX
  • Annual maintenance costs
  • EBITDA ratios
FIA regions & ASN report
FIA regions & ASN report

Abstract of the full report

  • Ownership structure
  • Infrastructure
  • Customer segments
  • Turnover / FIA region
  • CAPEX / FIA region
  • EBITDA ratio / FIA region